MADACC’s Mission
To provide animal regulation and care services that protect the health, public safety, and welfare of people and animals in Milwaukee County.
In 1996, the Milwaukee County Intergovernmental Cooperation Council created an Animal Control Services Planning/Steering Committee to plan animal control services for Milwaukee County after being notified that the Wisconsin Humane Society had decided to focus on its primary mission of adoption and community outreach and would no longer provide animal control services. To that end, the 19 municipalities that comprise Milwaukee decided to create a “commission.” This is a governmental agency where municipalities collaborate to provide a service. For example, some municipalities do this for fire or police services. It was decided that an animal control commission would provide the most cost-effective model and provide residents with one central location to look for their missing companions.
MADACC opened on August 1, 1999, and provides animal care and control services for the nineteen municipalities of Milwaukee County. MADACC is governed by a Board of Directors and an Operations Committee. The board is comprised of officials from each municipality, each getting one vote on matters concerning the operations of MADACC. The Operations Committee meets monthly to oversee the budget and operations of MADACC and is comprised of seven members of the full board.
MADACC is first and foremost a public safety organization. We currently rescue and assure safe, temporary shelter, and basic veterinary and humane care for over 12,000 stray, unwanted, abandoned, mistreated, and injured animals each year—more than any other animal control organization in Wisconsin.
Animal Care and Control facilities like MADACC are often referred to derogatorily as “the pound.” We are one of the most misunderstood organizations in this community. Because we are an “open admission” facility, we will take in animals that are sick, injured, and may exhibit unsafe behavior. Many of these animals are not able to be successfully treated or adopted out into the community.
Primary Functions
MADACC member municipalities have chosen for MADACC to provide the following functions for the community:
- • Provide effective and cost efficient animal control services by active enforcement of Wisconsin State Statutes pertaining to animal welfare for the 19 member communities of Milwaukee County
- • Assure safe, temporary shelter, veterinary and humane care for stray, unwanted, abandoned, mistreated and injured animals, including emergency on-call service between hours of operation
- • Provide a central location for owners to find and recover their lost pets
- • Expedite the return of animals to their rightful owner
- • Provide a progressive animal licensing program for Milwaukee County
- • Provide and encourage responsible, safe placement opportunities for homeless animals
- • Promote and maintain the highest levels of customer service and accountability to the public
- • Educate the public about responsible companion animal ownership
- • Provide placement of stray and unwanted animals and provide humane euthanasia when necessary