May 25, 2024 Vaccine Clinic Instructions

Want to make your visit to the Friends of MADACC sponsored FREE vaccine clinic as smooth as possible, please read the information below!

Please make sure that your dogs are on secure leashes/collars and all cats are in carriers prior to getting on line. If you need one of these items, you can park on the street and walk into MADACC to get what you need and then get your pets from your vehicle once you have secured them.

DO NOT PARK IN THE MADACC PARKING LOT! The only cars permitted in the parking lot that day are employees who will use the back gated lot, Good Samaritans or law enforcement who are dropping off strays that day, and individuals searching for lost pets. Please park legally on the street that day. Do not park in any other business parking that day. If you have a disabled parking tag or plate you may use the lot and park in the marked spaces.

Follow the instructions of the many volunteers that will be available to assist you that day. We will have one line that leads to the vestibule of the MADACC facility. There you will be given your paperwork and receipts and will be instructed to enter the vaccine room and then where to exit. It is important to wait your turn in the line, no matter how long it is. Watch for additional opportunities for low-cost vaccines in September or October.

Dress appropriately for the weather, as the line will be outside and you will only be inside for the vaccines and to go through the Friends of MADACC resource room.

We are doing high volume of vaccines that day to ensure we see as many customers as possible. Please do not ask the medical team for information about other conditions your pet may have to be treated. They will not have time and will recommend you see your veterinarian for any medical advice about your pet.

Be sure to keep safe distances between your pets and other animals while waiting online. If you have an animal that has reactivity in crowds, or around strange people or animals, or who needs a muzzle to see a vet, please see a volunteer to discuss options available to you. We want to make sure that all the attendees (human and animal) are safe that day. Animals that are not able to be controlled by handlers or volunteers will not be able to be vaccinated at MADACC.