Below are the links you can use if you have LOST an animal and would like to see if it MIGHT be here at MADACC. Please note, YOU MUST COME IN TO VISUALLY IDENTIFY YOUR ANIMAL! Using this website can aid in your search, but please note that online photo identification does not and should NEVER replace coming in to see animals in person. There are many limitations to using these photos, including but not limited to:
1. Poor photography skills! We do our best, but we do have difficulty getting great photos when we intake animals.
2. They do not look like their photo in real life! Animals can look similar or very different from other animals when searching a list. It is impossible to determine one black cat from another in photos. Owners frequently do not recognize the photo of their animal but recognize them in person easily.
3. Breed descriptions are inaccurate! One person’s Shepherd Mix is another person’s Husky mix! Please do not use the breed descriptions as a guide! We have to enter a breed, and we will be the first to admit we are making guesses when they come in. Do not base your visual photo ID on our breed descriptions!
4. Mistakes can happen! Data entry mistakes can happen on the best of days, sometimes we put a male when it is a female. Sometimes a screen is not cleared and we put in a photo of a cat and list it as a dog. We fix those as quickly as we can, but again, look at the photos and use them as a general guide ONLY!
Owners of lost animals are encouraged to come in EVERY TWO DAYS to search our facility to see if your animal has arrived here. Even if you have made a lost report for a black terrier mix, we might not make a match if it is entered into our system as a black poodle mix. It is up to you to make sure you keep watching the website AND visiting MADACC to find your animal.
These animals are NOT available for adoption! These are animals that are considered lost property and are not available for public adoption.