MADACC is here to assist you when it comes to enforcing your local ordinances as well as helping to create a more humane community.
Proactive Intervention
If you encounter an owner/animal that warrants a visit from MADACC in order to assist them create a more humane environment for animals, please fill out this ONLINE REFERRAL FORM. Situations like this would be where an animal’s owner is not aware of housing requirements, or the owners are in need of food, but the situation is not criminal – more based on ignorance and lack of education and resources to properly care of an animal. This form can be used instead of a citation where appropriate. Most situations regarding housing conditions that affect the quality of life for humans and animals, however, need to be reported to the Health Department, or in the City of Milwaukee, the Department of Neighborhood services.
This form is NOT to delegate an investigation or complaint to MADACC but to have us follow up for you after you have investigated. MADACC has no law enforcement powers and is a holding facility for lost or seized property, which happen to be living animals.
MADACC will follow up with the owner and report back to you if the situation is resolved or if you need to follow up with a citation or charges.
Animal Surrender
Should you encounter a situation where it is in the best interest of the animal to be surrendered by the owner, please use this form:
If someone arrives at a police station or flags down an officer to surrender an animal this form MUST be filled out. Or the animal will be held as a stray instead of being made available for adoption which is not optimal for a dog.
Criminal Charges
If you pick up an animal that you feel warrants charges for cruelty, neglect, or other abuse, please follow the steps below:
1. Law enforcement is encouraged to fill out this form while investigating at the scene: Animal Supp. PO-15AA
2. Seize the animal. Contact MADACC at (414) 649-8640 during business hours for us to pick up the animal or transport the animal to MADACC or if in need of immediate medical attention (lateral, active bleeding) bring to VCA MECA Emergency Hospital for Animals.
3. Fill out this form COMPLETELY and ACCURATELY and with as much information you can. It is important to ask for a medical exam, photos, necropsy, or any other assistance MADACC can provide on that sheet when the animal is given to one of our Animal Control Officers. Be sure to provide your contact info including cell, email address and shift in order for MADACC to contact you.
4. Contact the MADACC veterinarian, Dr. Bergeron, either by phone or email to notify him that you have seized animals that you need an exam, etc. by the next business day at the latest. He can be reached via the MADACC front office at (414) 649-8640 or via email at Be sure to include the date the animal was seized, the type of animal, and tell him what needs to be done for your investigation. This information should also be on the form that you fill out when bringing in an animal or having us pick it up from #3 on this page.
5. Prepare the Animal Supp. PO-15AA form per M.P.D. procedure to be submitted along with other evidence to District Attorney’s office.